As those who know me well will tell you the moment I finished a video script, a programme or a book I hate it. Yes, I push it out into the world almost hoping no one will notice.

But not this latest book. Now, it will either sink without trace or hit the heights. It will mess with the reader’s mind, puzzle them, infuriate them or thrill them. I have no idea how it will be received.

However, it is different, very different. I’m not exactly breaking new ground here, but there is a Reader Beware warning before you get to page one, so if Amazon takes you to Chapter One, please press the Go To Button and flip on from the cover.

Polly London was found on the steps of a polyclinic in London when she was only a few hours old. She was approaching thirty when she received a text telling her she had won over £150 million in the national lottery.
A whole new world opened up, but would it change her for better or for worse?
How do you react to winning a fortune? Do you keep it a secret or shout from the rooftops?
Polly did both, with alarming consequences. From that moment, her life took two separate paths, but at every step of the way, she was unaware of a shadowy figure that followed her all over the world.
Who was he and what did he want?
This is a book with a difference, with an ending you’ll never expect!

And I promise you it all becomes clear in the end.


Available in eBook and print, also read for free in KU and only $/£0.99 for this week only. You can save $/£2.00 by grabbing it now.

And I’d love some feedback if you have a moment to spare.

Take care


Blogger’s Books: Lucinda E Clarke

A huge thank you to Pete for posting about my latest book.


Author and blogger Lucinda has a new book release on the 23rd of November, and I am very happy to feature it here today.

When Polly Won the Lottery

Polly London was found on the steps of a polyclinic in London when she was only a few hours old. She was approaching thirty when she received a text telling her she had won over £150 million in the national lottery.

A whole new world opened up, but would it change her for better or for worse?

How do you react to winning a fortune? Do you keep it a secret or shout from the rooftops?

Polly did both, with alarming consequences. From that moment, her life took two separate paths, but at every step of the way, she was unaware of a shadowy figure that followed her all over the world.

Who was he and what did he want?


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