More Answers: Another WSW Video Chat

Another interesting chat organized by Audrey. Thank you so much, not only do we share information, we also learn too.

Audrey Driscoll's Blog

Here is the second chat in response to questions we’ve received. Topics include inserting images into ebooks and print books, writing to the market, developing a niche, and more. Find it all HERE.

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International Day of Awesomeness: Celebrating Sally Cronin @sgc58

So well deserved. Sally is one of the very best, supportive, kind, and always encouraging. A true friend to other writers and her books are a great read.

From the Pen of Mae Clair

A big company of colorful cats with top hats and flowers standing on the beautiful light green background

Today is the International Day of Awesomeness! Who wouldn’t want to celebrate something so spectacular? I can think of plenty of things I consider awesome, and plenty of people. When you hang around in the blogosphere for any length of time, you get to know others.

One of the most generous and thoroughly supportive people I’ve “met” is Sally Cronin.

Author, Sally Cronin

My Story Empire colleagues and I thought today would be the perfect opportunity to shine a well-deserved spotlight on Sally. She is an amazing individual who gives of her time selflessly, constantly sharing promo pieces which showcase others.

Her blog, Smorgasboard Blog Magazine, is filled with author spotlights, book reviews, weekly roundups, profiles and more—all in support of her fellow authors and bloggers. I seriously don’t know how she does it, but I’m thankful to have been touched by her generous spirit.

For the Story Empire group, today…

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