The books I’ve chosen this year are not all published by independent authors, but those I’ve chosen as I think I will enjoy them.

My special interests are Africa (no surprises there), history, a good thriller or murder mystery and stories that unravel the inner workings inside those bastions of power. I hate to guess the ending of a book and admire those authors who cleverly wrap up the red herrings and leave me breathless on the last page.

Here are the next 5 for 2018.




A cleverly written book that made me both smile and cry – not many books do that. Based on a true story it features England in war time, both from the point of view of the soldier who went overseas to fight in 1918 and the girl he left behind. The research was excellent, the characters well defined and this book lifts the lid of the situation so many young couples faced in a time of crisis. Sad, but oh so realistic and I cannot recommend it highly enough. Another author I have seen go from strength to strength over the years – I shall always buy her books the moment she publishes them.


girl he left behind


This is not a book to be read lightly, but slowly to savour the excellent use of language and prose. It falls squarely into the literary category – one which will live on long after the ‘quick read’ novels have been forgotten. There is much to think about when you turn the pages and the author has made good use of her knowledge as an integrative psychotherapist, taking the reader into the dark reaches of the mind and the complex feelings of human emotions with its many contradictions and moods. While part of you wants to drag Kat away from Alex and her unhealthy hold on her, you can still understand the reasons Kat returns time and time again. Each character leaps off the page and by the end of the book I felt I had known them for years. I highly recommend this for all book lovers who prefer a well-written, solid read with great depth and meaning that makes you question the human spirit and the decisions made in relationships.  https://www.amazon.com/dp/B077HVN4BP

tipping point

TIPPING POINT  by Terry Tyler


I bought this book on the recommendation of a friend as she told me I would love it – and I did. Written with an underlying touch of humour, despite the catastrophic story, I was held captive from the first chapter. If you’ve ever wondered how man can solve the over population of the planet, this is one way and it is all too realistic and plausible. It was one of those books when the dishes  are left in the sink and the bed unmade, I couldn’t put it down. I immediately turned on the computer to buy the second and third books in the series. Stories about the apocalypse do not usually appeal to me, but I’m glad I stepped out of my usual genres to try this series.  https://www.amazon.com/dp/B074LSCX5M

his name was ben

HIS NAME WAS BEN  by Paulette Mahurin


This is the bitter sweet story of two people meeting in the oncologist’s office and how their relationship developed from there. Much more than a love story begun in the knowledge that life may be short with the need to take each day for what it could bring. The story itself is realistic and believable and I cared about the characters. I love books by this author and I have read them all and will read every one she publishes. While this book is good, it’s not quite my favourite but I still recommend it as it’s a great story. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B06XRM6BLX


creadle of the serpent



I wasn’t sure what to expect when I chose this book as I’m not a great lover of romance stories, but every now and again I try to vary the genre I read. Wow! This was so much more. The amount of research it must have taken is phenomenal and I learned a lot and for me, that always makes for an excellent read. I checked and the author is part North American Indian, and her love for her people and history shines through. There is also extensive information on spinal cord injuries, archaeology and brilliant descriptions of the American south west. The story is a dilemma in itself. Not a fluffy boy meets girl scenario but something much, much deeper. Great book I recommend if you like thoughtful reading and something to get your teeth into.  https://www.amazon.com/dp/B06XRM6BLX  

Next week the last of my great reads for 2018. till then, take care


20 thoughts on “2018 LUCINDA’S BEST BOOKS PART 2

  1. I’ve read Terry’s series (well, the last one is on my list and I’ll get to it soon) and I have Rebecca and some of Paulette’s stories waiting patiently. Thanks for the recommendations and happy holiday season, Lucinda.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Count me as another one waiting for the next Amie. It makes an excellent break from the Sci-Fi I usually read. And I’ve already finished Terry’s Project Revova series (and your Unhappily Ever After fractured fairy tale). I’m currently on a Sci-Fi series that starts with “Lyssa’s Dream”.


  2. That is a good question Frank. I’m sitting here with the paperback proofs and been too busy with the holidays and organising specials for this month. I’m also tossing up whether to let it slide out into the world or go for help with a bigger launch. Any advice anyone?


    • Grant you’re right I’ve not red one of yours this year and I really like your books especially the one about the couple who wrote to each other, then lost touch and so nearly met loads more times. I think one reason was FB possibly dropped us off the radar for a while and it’s so easy to lose touch. So frustrating!


  3. An unteresting list, Lucinda. Tipping point is up there for me too, not just because it’s a great story, but it’s also so well written and edited. I don’t know the others, but I’m a bit picky about fiction, and I’m not sure if I’d go for any of these. I’m really only keen on crime fiction, WWII and Africa…the last, you know. The rest of my reading is memoir. Terry’s books are an exception for me!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Just discovered this! Thanks so much, Lucinda – been a bit of the loop for a week or so as have been ill. Still not better but trying to do a bit each day! I so appreciate your featuring me on here, most of all that you took the time to do so – now I will go and peruse your others, on all three posts xx

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Terry luckily I scheduled these in early November as our turkey is still in the freezer, we flopped lifeless on the furniture from Sunday till today – missed the carols, the beach outing, the car rally and probably tomorrow night’s party. i have dragged myself to the keyboard as I must get my newsletter out by the end of the month and then started answering emails and you know how it goes …..


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