The books I’ve chosen this year are not all published by independent authors, but those I’ve chosen as I think I will enjoy them.

My special interests are Africa (no surprises there), history, a good thriller or murder mystery and stories that unravel the inner workings inside those bastions of power. I hate to guess the ending of a book and admire those authors who cleverly wrap up the red herrings and leave me breathless on the last page.

Here are the next 5 for 2018.




A cleverly written book that made me both smile and cry – not many books do that. Based on a true story it features England in war time, both from the point of view of the soldier who went overseas to fight in 1918 and the girl he left behind. The research was excellent, the characters well defined and this book lifts the lid of the situation so many young couples faced in a time of crisis. Sad, but oh so realistic and I cannot recommend it highly enough. Another author I have seen go from strength to strength over the years – I shall always buy her books the moment she publishes them.


girl he left behind


This is not a book to be read lightly, but slowly to savour the excellent use of language and prose. It falls squarely into the literary category – one which will live on long after the ‘quick read’ novels have been forgotten. There is much to think about when you turn the pages and the author has made good use of her knowledge as an integrative psychotherapist, taking the reader into the dark reaches of the mind and the complex feelings of human emotions with its many contradictions and moods. While part of you wants to drag Kat away from Alex and her unhealthy hold on her, you can still understand the reasons Kat returns time and time again. Each character leaps off the page and by the end of the book I felt I had known them for years. I highly recommend this for all book lovers who prefer a well-written, solid read with great depth and meaning that makes you question the human spirit and the decisions made in relationships.  https://www.amazon.com/dp/B077HVN4BP

tipping point

TIPPING POINT  by Terry Tyler


I bought this book on the recommendation of a friend as she told me I would love it – and I did. Written with an underlying touch of humour, despite the catastrophic story, I was held captive from the first chapter. If you’ve ever wondered how man can solve the over population of the planet, this is one way and it is all too realistic and plausible. It was one of those books when the dishes  are left in the sink and the bed unmade, I couldn’t put it down. I immediately turned on the computer to buy the second and third books in the series. Stories about the apocalypse do not usually appeal to me, but I’m glad I stepped out of my usual genres to try this series.  https://www.amazon.com/dp/B074LSCX5M

his name was ben

HIS NAME WAS BEN  by Paulette Mahurin


This is the bitter sweet story of two people meeting in the oncologist’s office and how their relationship developed from there. Much more than a love story begun in the knowledge that life may be short with the need to take each day for what it could bring. The story itself is realistic and believable and I cared about the characters. I love books by this author and I have read them all and will read every one she publishes. While this book is good, it’s not quite my favourite but I still recommend it as it’s a great story. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B06XRM6BLX


creadle of the serpent



I wasn’t sure what to expect when I chose this book as I’m not a great lover of romance stories, but every now and again I try to vary the genre I read. Wow! This was so much more. The amount of research it must have taken is phenomenal and I learned a lot and for me, that always makes for an excellent read. I checked and the author is part North American Indian, and her love for her people and history shines through. There is also extensive information on spinal cord injuries, archaeology and brilliant descriptions of the American south west. The story is a dilemma in itself. Not a fluffy boy meets girl scenario but something much, much deeper. Great book I recommend if you like thoughtful reading and something to get your teeth into.  https://www.amazon.com/dp/B06XRM6BLX  

Next week the last of my great reads for 2018. till then, take care



For the third year I would like to share with you the books that I have enjoyed the most in 2018.

This is the first time I joined the Goodreads challenge and optimistically filled in 100 books. I will manage that, just, and I have reviewed all but two of them. And note, this is besides some beta reading and proof editing for author friends. Yes, I love reading.

These are not the only good books I’ve read this year, but those that have stayed with me long after I’ve put them down. These are the stories that either touched my heart, entertained me, taught me things I didn’t know or caused me to weep, sit and question.

I wish I could include more but I have managed to get the list down to 16. The first 5 this week in no particular order:-

tears of innocence



The introduction tells us this is a true story and it is one of the saddest I have ever read. Don’t let that put you off buying it as it demonstrates the amazing resilience of one woman who, from one trauma after another from the age of 5 managed to survive against the odds. The author lived through World War II and the horrors of that time. Every time she thinks she has found safety and shelter, life throws her another curved ball. A brilliant tribute to a brave and courageous women you cannot help but admire more than any other writer whose biography I have read. Every woman should read this book and gain strength from it. I immediately bought the second book in the trilogy. This book deserves to be up there in the bestsellers once I started reading it I was unable to put it down.  https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01DUSKEYU 


EVERY MOTHER’S FEAR by  Joanna Warington


Having a relative who gave birth to a child after taking Thalidomide, I was drawn to this story. It recounts the lives of two women affected in quite different ways to the effects of this insufficiently tested drug. I had already decided in my mind what path the story was going to follow, but I was so wrong. It’s a well written book, fast paced and you cared about the characters Rona and Sandra – they are excellently portrayed. I admit to being a fan of this author and will buy and read anything she writes. Highly recommended, especially if you remember living during the 1960’s, there were so many references to life at that time it brought back memories.  https://www.amazon.com/dp/B078JX8559


ORIGIN by Dan Brown 5 stars


Now I know that his writing has been panned by the literati, who pronounced Dan Brown couldn’t string two sentences together, but he writes great stories – stories that make you think and stretch your brain. And remember his books were picked up for Hollywood films something most of us only dream about. I enjoyed this book the 5th in the Robert Langdon series. The research must have taken days, I learned a lot and used my kindle dictionary many times. Well written, the story was fascinating although there were no real surprises at the end.  https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01LXCD7FU



PONTIFEX MAXIMUS   by Damien North


I raced through this book, it was an easy read as the words flowed beautifully and I kept going page after page. It’s not often I finish a book and then go to look for the next one to buy, but this is the second time this week it’s happened to me. Be warned, this ends on a cliff hanger and if I’d known this I would have waited until books 2 and 3 were available before starting this one. An author after my own heart who isn’t afraid to kill off his main characters just as you get to love them. I also appreciated the in-depth knowledge of the higher workings of the Catholic Church. Good book, would recommend. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01M9DOBVX


The Pencil Case by Lorriane Cobcroft

Much has been written about the indignities meted out to the Aborigines by the Australian authorities, but this is the first book I’m aware of that relates the injustices to white children. This a harrowing read, but I could not stop turning the pages. The book is so well written, I felt I was there with Paul and Jenny, suffering with them, feeling angry at how they were treated and routing for a happy conclusion. The writer takes you into the mind of Paul as he struggles to adjust, contain his anger and frustration as he attempts to cope with the demons who rule his life and his behaviour. The Pencil Case by Lorriane Cobcroft is one of those books which will remain with you long after you have read the last page. A sad story, beautifully told and I wish I could award it ten stars.  https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00C4B9QLW

Next week the next 5 on my list.

Until then, take care
