Happy Hallmark Covid Christmas–2020 style #humor #pandemic

Loved this. Trust Barb to nail it.

Barb Taub

Baby it’s covid outside…

I’ve made my Covid-Christmas To-Do list and checked it twice.

  1. Covid-correct the words to my favorite holiday songs.
  2. Cyber-stalk purely by chance happen to find on social media a person I went out with briefly in high school (and congratulate myself because the unfortunate soul he ended up with is obviously less intelligentsuccessfulcutecoolfunnygood sense of humor tall than me).
  3. Tell the grandkids Santa is self-isolating because at age 1750 he’s been designated as vulnerable.
  4. Set up our ironic-elf-on-the-shelf-hoarding-loo-rolls scene.

There’s only one thing left to do.

Christmas movies!

Hmmm… Notice any patterns to this ACTUAL recommended shows screenshot? You’re absolutely right. No masks.

Now I know it would be hard to make a typical Hallmark Christmas movie during lockdown. But imagine if they did…

My Secret Christmas Prince Saves The Christmas Tree Farm During the Pandemic

Holly-Mary-Eve-Joy is a successful kickass…

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