Please will you re-blog this post for me? Yes, I know you’ve not read it yet, but I really, really want to get the word out.

In January I plan to start a new monthly newsletter which will contain the back story to Amie before she went to Africa and the lives of other characters in the trilogy. The first one recounts a major event in Ben’s life which I think you will find both fascinating and interesting. This will only ever appear in my newsletter and never be posted anywhere else.

There will also be early notice of price drops and promos and I will feature and promote books by other authors – so, if you’d like to be included, please contact me.

Most important of all, I will be giving you updates on the full story of the court case as Amie sues me with the intention of preventing me from writing about her any further. Plus she is asking for damages for what I have put her through already. She intends to have all Amie books withdrawn from the marketplace. (Unknown to her, I’m currently writing book 4, and do I have plans for her! Even I feel a little sorry for her sometimes.)courtroom2

Competitions and chances to win free books will also be a feature several times a year, but I will not overburden your inbox as I only plan to send out 12 issues annually.

I posted news of this on Facebook and one blog follower said she was already signed up as she received notification of my blogs in her inbox. WordPress does not give me your email addresses when you follow. They do all that stuff somewhere in some faceless building somewhere in the United States – or maybe some robot algorhythmically programmed robot does it – so I have no idea how to contact you.

So, to take advantage of this exciting opportunity (who am I kidding?)  you can either pm me on my FB page, or drop me a ‘yes’ to I do hope you will.


I’m posting the link to the opening of Amie African Adventure – book 1 with news that the audio book should be ready by the beginning of February – so exciting!

Another piece of news is that Amie is going to have a brand new cover – more in line with the third in the series. I am sad in many ways as I love her original cover, but I need to tell people what to expect in the story. One poor reader bought it thinking it was a cosy tourist trip to Africa and got quite a shock.

A last thought. If you haven’t an idea what to buy for a particular person this Christmas, the trilogy in paperback might be suitable? Ignore Amazon’s pronouncement that it’s not available – no ideFeatured Image -- 4372a why they put that up – all three books are for sale.

I’m scribbling this quickly while DH is out buying more Christmas lights. As we unpacked them we remembered he sniffed loudly and asked me last year what I was cooking, it smelt appetizing. “Nothing,” I told him. It was the lights. One string was about to burst into flames and burn the house down. Then I must decorate the tree, won’t take long, it’s only 80 cm high!!


Uh, yeah you can tell tree decorating does not come high on my skills list either!! Well I tried.

Till next week, when I’m back in the Far East, at least here on the blog. Happy shopping.


100 thoughts on “PLEASE RE-BLOG, PLEASE.

  1. Reblogged this on TINA FRISCO and commented:
    Lucinda E. Clark will begin a new monthly newsletter in January 2017. Aside from promoting her own work, she will feature and promote books by other authors. Hop over to her blog for details. Thank you, Lucinda!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I just posted a short story on my blog so will hold off from re-blogging this until tomorrow. I really need to read Amie! Still reading More L, T & P as well as the ‘Fairy Tale for Adults’ which I find is best taken in small doses – like episodes of Black Adder!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Hey, here is a little tip: when you are checking comments in your WordPress Dashboard, under everyone’s Gravatar image there is info such as : their blog address, their email address registered to their blog and their IP. There is also 2 different menus that can show you: who you are following, and who follows you.I hope this helps you contact people in the future!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Wow that’s helpful, thank you. I’ve just had my other half check out my blog address to see if it had a sign up, so if people have signed up for my blog, then maybe they are happy to receive the newsletter as well. Mind this info comes to someone who tried to make snow drift down onto the blog for Christmas and have only succeeded in getting snow on the blogs I receive???


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